SIKO Gegenaktionen München


Washington DC: NATO-Jubiläum mit Widerspruch - ... - Video by Jordan & Jim .. leider weg?

Weit weg von München, aber der Protest und Widerstand der US-Freunde ermutigt auch uns! - Keine Ahnung ob im Video noch deutsche Untertitel möglich wären ..

Vernetzung hilft, let's support:

Brüssel: Preparatory Meeting/ NATO Summit 2017

12.12.2016 - 12:00 to 13.12.2016 - 18:45

At the last NATO summit it was announced that there will be a next NATO summit at the new NATO Headquarters in Brussels in 2017. As far as sources say, the summit may happen in the first half of next year, rather giving us a short period of time for planning and mobilizing for actions against the NATO summit.

Therefore we would like to invite you to an international preparatory meeting on 17. December in Brussels.


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